Sales Report

Allow you to have an overview of your store’s sales trends, revenue, returned products and coupons usage in your store. This will help you to review and improve your marketing and stocking strategy.

Sales Orders Report gathers information via the order list and offers an overview of order trends and revenue. The report can be filtered to group the data on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.
How It Works?
•  Determine the time frame of the report
•  Determine how the report’s data should be grouped
•  Determine the type of order status that should be shown in the report 

Customers Report

Enable you to see who are you best customers, best customer groups, in-depth analysis of understanding your customers spending patterns. From here, you can plan your store strategy to boost sales.

Customer orders report allows the store admin to see who are the top customers, whom are contributing the most to the store’s revenue.
How It Works?
•  Determine the time frame of the report
•  Determine the type of order status that should be shown in the report 

Products Report

Allow you to know which of your products are most viewed, most purchased and also your stock inventory status. Thus, you can plan your re-stock or new stocks intake strategically.

Product Report enables store admin to view reports on products viewed and products being purchased from the store. It can be accessed under Reports section in the administration.
How It Works?
Products Viewed Report provides information on what products are being viewed the most, or the least, in the store front. The report will position the top viewed product first. Along with the product name and model, it will display the number of customers who viewed that product in the store front, and the percentage of views for this specific product out of all the views for products on the site. This report will inform you of the least viewed products from the store so that you can increase the exposure for those products through the store’s links and images.

Products Purchased Report will display the all the products purchased from the store. Products are positioned according to the total amount of sales acquired for that product; the highest at the top and lowest at the bottom.

Best Seller Report

Top 5 best selling products are displayed in the administration dashboard under Top 5 Products section.
How It Works?
The section displays the best selling product names and quantity sold using a donut chart. The chart can be viewed based on daily, weekly, monthly or yearly sales.

Smart Search History

Enable you to identify how your customers browse your store, how long they stay in your store, which are your performing pages, etc.